

Wanted to take a break from studying and do a quick update!
  1. Garden - my garden is doing well. We've been picking lots of herbs for salads. W is in charge of watering now. I also got tomatoes, eggplant, cucumber and sunberry a few weeks ago.
  2. Compost - I ended up throwing it all away last week. The first batch was doing well, so I created a second batch but that one attracted fruit flies that ended up getting in both batches. :(
  3. School - a lot of work! I feel old too. But hanging in there.
  4. Weight - I started calorie counting using an app on my phone this week. I have a goal of gaining 1 pound a week. Doc told me ideally she wanted me to gain 30 lbs. Is that crazy or what? I think I would look like a completely different person if I did that. The most I've ever weighed is 15 lbs more than what I am now, and that was first semester freshman year when I ate all you can eat dorm food, soda and dessert every meal, and then got majorly sick at the end of the semester. So I don't think I can do 30, but I'll be happy if I can gain 10-15.
I hope everyone's enjoying their summer!


  1. Nice to hear from you - sounds like you're on a roll with your garden and studies!

    I think you are one of the first people I know who's on doctor's orders to gain weight. Tee hee. Being pregnant, I'm on track if I gain half or a whole pound a week right now. The trick for me is to be putting on the pounds w/ healthy food instead of Trader Joe's Super Premium vanilla ice cream. ; )

  2. Thanks Charissa! Yeah, I'm trying to gain a pound per week too, without a baby! :) It's amazing how much I have to eat to keep this up. I'm constantly eating (especially if you want to do it healthily, as you mentioned). I eat 3 meals and 3-4 snacks each day. Hope you are enjoying pregnancy!
