
Leisurely day

I'm having a relaxing day today, which feels nice. It's been awhile since I had a day like this. Worked in the morning, ran some errands and fixed myself a nice lunch. The sandwich is multi-grain bread with ham, brie and raspberry jam. Spinach salad with grape tomatoes and beets. With green tea. Yum!  I also started this book last night, and really enjoying it.

P.S. Do you like my new look? I realized I wanted to post larger photos. In the process, I changed the fonts too.


  1. cute new look! food looks yums...

  2. I likey! how was the sandwich? never tried a jam and ham sandwich combo...

  3. thanks ladies!

    j - the sandwich was good. i liked it with the raspberry jam. next time i want to try it with apple butter.

  4. YES! The big pictures look great. Glad you kept a really clean, minimal design otherwise. Hope you are well, Bo!
