
Almost ready

I have lots of updates! I finished nursing school in August, and passed my boards 2 weeks ago. Since then, I've been finalizing preparations for baby boy. I'm due in 2 weeks! One surprising thing I discovered about myself is that I'm not a huge nester - I think it's the part of me that is not detail oriented. Or maybe I was busy with school during the nesting instinct period. At any rate, I'm glad I've been able to muster up the willpower to get things ready. Here are some shots of the baby room:

crib: IKEA
mattress: Naturepedic Organic Cotton (brand new from Craigslist)
dresser: local antique store
kilim rug: gifted by my friend Allison, from Turkey
humidifier: crane drop humidifier
blue blanket: knit by cousin
rocking chair: local yard sale
sheepskin: IKEA
fleece blanket: made by friend

I also just ordered everything I need for cloth diapering. Big thanks to Charissa for sending me the diaper covers! That gave me a head start. Here's what I ordered to complete the cloth diapering system:

1 dozen prefolds - size 1
1 dozen prefolds - size 2
4 dozen wipes
2 pail liners
1 wet bag
1 pack snappis - size 1
1 wipes solution
2 spray bottles

W and I went to a class on cloth diapering on Sunday and were pretty overwhelmed, but I finally bit the bullet and got everything. For those with experience, let me know if I'm missing anything. We'll see how this goes!

As for prepping for baby, here are the books/resources we used:

The Baby Whisperer Solves All Your Problems
Brain Rules for Baby
Bringing Up Bebe
Ina May's Guide to Childbirth
Birthing from Within
The Happiest Baby on the Block DVD

Again, I thought I'd be a big reader/researcher, but it turns out I wasn't. Most of the above books are anecdotal/stories as opposed to how-to's.

I'm due in 2 weeks! It's weird not knowing when I'll go into labor and thinking that all of a sudden we will be parents. I guess you can never be fully prepared for this kind of change.