
the apt

the fiance is living there right now.  some work needs to be done, to say the least.  right now the place looks like this...here's the bedroom, except with a bed (just the mattress + box) in the middle (from costco!):

and like this...

it is definitely on the cozier side.  you can get to the bathroom from the bedroom.  and the kitchen is where he was standing to take the second picture above.  that counter divides the kitchen and the living space.  oh, and we're on the 7th floor, which also happens to be the top floor.

we got a bunch of little things from ikea and other places.  we've also been stuffing the suitcase and taking things slowly from LA on our visits so we don't have to buy as much.  the bigger stuff we keep pushing back.  mainly because our first plan didn't work out so well.  we had planned to buy furniture off of craigslist, and saw some pieces we really liked, but transporting it would be a pain.  he has a two-door civic out there.  it's definitely different doing every day things without the network or resources we have here in LA.  



i'm getting married and moving to chicago in january.  i think my blogging activity will increase then!  for now, here's a pic i took over there a few weeks ago.  it's a view of downtown from millenium park.  the fiance says it's getting real cold in chicago these days.  just like LA right now.  not.

good morning

i picked these flowers from the backyard and put them in my bathroom this morning.  they make me happy.